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Thursday, August 8, 2013

The real journey begins

Time for small travelings is over. Now we took the train from the Munich central station to S. Lucia in Venice. As expected the train did not start in time, as usual. Some things never change ...

On our train ride we could not only enjoy the view on the Alps. Bernd found a little Violett friend, talked to her very long. During that time I talked to a nice couple from Bozen, they were going to Venice to visit some friends, they gave some good hints about Venice and some other nice places in Italy.

 After arriving in Venice it took a while to find the hostel, address was not really helpful. But at least we could also see some places in Venice. In my room I met one of the two other travelers I had to share the room. He was a friendly guy from China, who is studying in Paris.   The Hostel has no luxury but is a nice Palace to stay, especially there is a big terrace on top of the building giving a great view above Venice. In the evening I met there a nice girl from Berlin and spent some hours chatting with her, Bernd was to tired so he got to bed before I went to the terrace.

On our first complete day in Venice we spent a lot of time walking around in town. We found several blind alleys and thousands of channels. Also some sights, like the Rialto bridge and the San Marco place. At the San Marco place we spent a long time at the pier relaxing and watching the gondoliers and other ships driving around, well and also the view we got.


  1. Exciting to see the big journey started...!!! :) Great post... er.. you also getting a bit of a casanova attitude alright..Berlin girls we say..! lol.. lots of love from Erfurt. Mia and Neil

  2. simon.... go go go mate..have fun.... we are with you..kind of..all the way...Neil

  3. Hallo Simon!
    Du und Dein grimmig dreinblickender Begleiter scheint ja einen guten Start erwischt zu haben...;)
    Ganz viel Spass noch in Venedig - und vor allem überall nette neue Leute wünschen wir Euch!
    Genießt diese tolle Zeit in vollen Zügen...:o)
    ...wir bleiben virtuell immer dabei...
    Karo & Andi

  4. Huhu Simon!

    Ich hoffe du hast eine Menge Spaß. Wir zwei Damen (ich und die kleine süße 8-jährige) werden sehnsüchtig auf Postkarten von "Onkel" Simon warten und in der Zwischenzeit hier immer wieder nachlesen wo du dich gerade rumtreibst. Wir wünschen dir und Bernd eine Menge Spaß, Erholung, Eindrücke und Erfahrungen, die euch niemand mehr nehmen kann :) Ich hoffe wir sehen uns danach ganz bald wieder.

    Ganz liebe Grüße von der großen Dame und ein dickes Kussi von der kleinen Dame,

    Sabine und Sonja

  5. Lieber Bernd, lieber Simon!

    Auch ich bin wieder auf Reise; diesmal in Wien. Leider habe ich noch keinen Freund gefunden! Ich wünsche euch alles, alles Gute und Hals und Beinbruch für eure weitere Reise.

    Liebe Grüße, your violett friend from the trainride ( München-Bozen)!
