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Sunday, February 24, 2019

And this is how the story begins / continues

After telling you that we go again together on a longer journey we did still take some time to decide where to go first. The decision was not easy and we discussed for hours, finally we found or first destination the capital of Georgia (not this Georgia). The Georgia in Caucasus we picked, which we both think is much nicer. No offense please, its just our opinion.

To get from the airport into town we took a brand new awesome car and Bernd did insist to drive it, what at the end turned out not to be such a good idea. At first everything went we'll but then ... you know pictures say more than thousand words.
Of course the way to our guest house was still long, do we just left the car behind and did trap our stuff and started our long long walk. Bernd got really mad and grumbled all the time and was willing to beat something. And as usually he found something, it was very close but I could convince him to not destroy the bridge. So reason that it would be a big detour for is did make the point.
To get a break from all this walking and relax our feet we decided to take the cable car up the mountain and visit an old strange looking building.

Up there we met with the mother of Georgia and did have a very good conversation with the old lady. We wanted to take some pictures together with her for the blog but all the time something did prevent us from taking a good picture e.g. light, angle or blinking. If you want to know how she looks like click here or not.

Hours later we did take a zip line to quickly get down again, it was a short but amazing ride. I never heard Bernd screaming so loud before. Unfortunately again no pictures or even videos. Bernd did drop his phone in the ride so all got lost. But I still had my phone so a short while later we went to a water fall and enjoyed the scenery. It helped Bernd to calm down a little bit.
I know the waterfall is not as amazing as the ones we saw in Iceland, but it is still a waterfall. And we both love waterfalls.
Back in the center we also mad e a break in a small park where we found a strange looking statue. Bernd was joking around and came up with the strange joke of people getting hung with a bell so also the audience staying far away can realize by sound that the person is finally dead. The real story is a bit different, want to know more ?
Close to the point from where we went up we found a weird looking building. Looking like a big tube or even a cannon build out of glass. Later we got to know that it is a concept hall.
Since our car got broken we did have to walk a lot. We first did have the idea to take the metro but then we would not see what is between the stops and the bus routes seem not so easy to be understood. We did find another option, the biggest bicycle we have ever seen. Great to get quickly to the next interesting place.
Our plan with the bicycle did fail since we would try to get it going into different directions and we did not want to fight who's going to lead.
Later on we managed to find the underground. Not like the underground in London or the criminals. Just an interesting ancient bazaar located below the streets with a lot of interesting things.

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